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- Installation of electrical supply with super soundproofed generator set for your eventsAt TST Technical Services we have a new fleet of 150 KVA Synchro Stage V Super Silenced generator sets capable of working below 50dB in sound level at 10 m. Ideal for supplying energy to events or in urban environments, avoiding annoying noise for attendees and neighbours. We know how complex the development and creation ...
- We air-conditioning the ‘ Festes Decennals de la verge de la Candela de Valls’We air-conditioning the “Festes Decennals de la verge de la Candela de Valls 2021+1” En TST Servicios Técnicos hemos ofrecido nuestra amplia experiencia en climatización, proyección e instalación de los equipos necesarios en los 3 espacios clave para la celebración de eventos las fiestas de Decennals de la verge de la Candela de Valls ...
- Collaboration with CoolNavas S.L.TST technical services collaborated with CoolNavas supplying energy with a 1000 kvas generator set to a 550 Kw chiller. The chiller and the generator set were installed in a factory in Huelva for the production of raspberry puree with working processes at -5º. Our technicians traveled to Huelva to connect the generator set to the ...
- Why is it better to rent machinery?The decision between buying or renting machinery for your company can be complicated, since both options can present benefits. However, only one can be reasonable in certain contexts. Everything will depend on the needs and conditions of the company. Renting machinery is the most recommended for many companies due to the multiple advantages it offers in ...
- Reasons for power outagesPower outages can be caused by multiple reasons. The electricity supply is a seemingly limitless source that is generated in power plants . But on its route of operation the Sine wave It can suffer some type of disturbance, which means that the normal voltage that changes from positive to negative value 60 times per ...
- Why rent a wall fan?If you have thought about rent a wall fan , but you have not decided yet, in this article we will tell you why to do it. The wall fans are helical and their propellers are made of aluminum. They are resistant, because their components and materials are of high quality, and are designed to ...
- 5 reasons to rent multiple socket outletsCurrently, there is an increasing demand for electricity, both in homes and in offices. This is due to the increase in the number of electrical devices that exist, due to the continuous development of new technologies. In this context, multi-socket rental has become an extremely economical and successful option for many companies. The multiple socket ...
- What are the characteristics that an electrical panel should have?An electrical panel is essential because it constitutes the command point of the entire system installed in the home or business. There are two types of protection in an electrical panel (magnetothermic and differential), the important thing is to know its characteristics and identify its advantages to determine the degree of utility that it can ...
- Prepare your premises for the summer with our air conditioning equipmentAir conditioning is an essential device capable of generating comfort and convenience in your business during the hottest season of the year. The summer in Spain experiences a climate that ranges from 13º C to 32º C, therefore, reinforcing the air conditioning system within the premises, constitutes a measure to guarantee the ideal temperature at ...
- Discover what are ATEX soundproof ventilation boxesDo you have a company in which there may be risks of concentration of flammable gases? Are you going to carry out a work and need a ventilation system for a certain time? Some environments are dangerous to the health and safety of the people who are frequently in them. To solve this problem, there ...
- What is the function of autonomous air conditioning units?The role of autonomous air conditioning units is to air-condition spaces of specific dimensions, guaranteeing maximum effectiveness and comfort, after a simple installation and start-up. The dilemma that is part of the process of choosing whether to install a standalone or centralized equipment is which of the two is more convenient. However, although centralized equipment ...
- 5 things you didn’t know about air curtainsAir curtains are used more and more frequently in various spaces. However, few people know clearly what this ventilation system is about, what they are for, how to choose the right one and other aspects around it. If you are interested in discovering five things you did not know about air curtains, keep reading this ...
- Why rent an outdoor lighting tower?The advantages of having an outdoor lighting tower are related to the layout of the spaces where, naturally, the light level is poor or does not exist. The purpose is to extend the stay on the site, with the help of the lighting tower, in order to meet commercial, sporting and social objectives, among others. ...
- Types of lighting bulbs and what they are forLighting bulbs are essential equipment that are associated with continuity and productivity in economic and industrial sectors and with everyday life in residential sectors. There are several types of lighting bulbs , which are designed for certain spaces. To choose the correct bulb, you need to take into account power and brightness. In the development of ...
- What is an air destratifier and what is it for?A air destratifier It is a ventilation equipment, which also works as a dynamic heat recovery unit. The use of the air destratifier helps to homogenize the temperature of the space where it is installed. Its operating dynamics consists of bringing the hot air from the part closest to the ceiling to the ground and ...
- Uses of ventilation screensThe ventilation screens They are an extremely useful industrial instrument to maintain correct air circulation in closed spaces with a lot of traffic of people. They are ideal for temporary installations, in addition to offering other applications. In this article we explain all of them. The ventilation screens can work both horizontally and vertically, according to ...
- Spain, the world’s best tourist destination according to the World Economic ForumOur country has surpassed the 135 countries that are part of the report, which evaluates, among other factors, the cultural and natural resources, as well as its infrastructures. It is already the second consecutive year that leads the ranking, improving in 2017 its overall score with 5.4 points out of 7. The rent of apartments, a ...
- Work without noise with acoustic barriersIt is estimated that more than 30% of the population is regularly exposed to noise, this has a negative impact on well-being that causes stress, cardiovascular diseases. “Noise pollution is considered not only an annoying environment but also a threat to public health” Noise is part of our lives, such as in the construction of buildings, demolitions, ...
- Rental of electric generators and generators MadridEn nuestra sede de Madrid disponemos de una gran cantidad de soluciones en alquiler con grupos electrógenos y generadores eléctricos para suministro eléctrico. En TST Servicios nos hemos especializado en el alquiler de energía con unidades generadoras de suministro eléctrico autónomas capaces de ofrecer las más altas expectativas de nuestros clientes. Todos nuestros grupos ...
- Outdoor Lighting and EnergyPeople said “winter is coming” with which the days become shorter and there are fewer hours of sun. When we plan our outdoor event, whether it be a celebration or event we have to keep in minnd the lighting to make the most of the day. TST offers light focus with outdoor lighting towers and generators ...