Rental of high performance submersible water pumps

At TST Servicios Técnico we have a large number of submersible pumps with different characteristics to meet the highest expectations in drainage, bilge and clean, dirty or waste water station with solids.

Our submersible pumps are manufactured with robust materials and high quality components to generate high performance in the evacuation of liquids with solids. In addition, they are checked after each service for optimal maintenance and perfect operation.

Our submersible pumps are in demand in different sectors such as: The agricultural one for the extraction of water in irrigated agricultural ponds. In the mining sector for drainage of water with sludge from containment basins. The construction sector for the control of the water table and the extraction of water in puddles. Also, they are used in flooded areas and flooded by meteorological conditions.

Maximum depletion pumps

Ideal for the extraction of clean water in swimming pools, puddles and river channels.

Submersible electric pumps for wells

Ideal for the evacuation of clean water in deep agricultural wells. Water lift for scheduled irrigation and clean water transfer applications to reservoirs.

Submersible water table pumping and control pumps

In our motor and electric pumps division we have a wide range for the control of the water table in the construction of dikes and other applications.

TST Technical Services Headquarters

Rental of maximum depletion pumps for the extraction of clean water in Barcelona

In Barcelona we have our headquarters located in Vilasar de Dalt that offers coverage in High flow motor pumps for the extraction of dirty water with solids in the regions of: Alto Ampurdán, Alto Campo, Alto Penedés, Alto Urgel, Alta Ribagorza, Anoia, Bages, Bajo Campo, Bajo Ampurdán, Bajo Ebro, Bajo Llobregat, Bajo Penedés, Barcelonés, Bergadá, Cerdaña, Cuenca de Barberá, Garraf, Las Garrigas, La Garrocha, Gironés, El Maresme, Montsiá, Moyanés, Noguera , Osona, Pallars Jussá, Pallars Sobirá, Pla de l’Estany, Plana de Urgel, El Priorato, Ribera de Ebro, Ripollés, Segarra, Segriá, Selva, Solsonés, Tarragonés, Tierra Alta, Urgel, Valle de Arán, Vallés Occidental AND Vallés Oriental (+ see Barcelona headquarters)

Rental of high performance submersible pumps in Madrid

TST servicios has a headquarters in the community of Madrid to meet the highest expectations in extraction and drainage services to clean or dirty waters with mud and solids in the areas of: Alcalá de Henares, Alcobendas, Alcorcón, Aranjuez, Arganda del Rey , Collado Villalba, Colmenar Viejo, Coslada, Fuenlabrada, Getafe, Leganés, Madrid, Majadahonda, Móstoles, Navalcarnero, Parla San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Torrejón de Ardoz, Torrelaguna, Valdemoro (+ see Madrid headquarters)

Rent high flow motor pumps for lifting water in Valencia

Our headquarters in Valencia offers rental services for maximum exhaustion pumps in the regions of: Albocácer, Cirat, Segorbe, Villena, Vinaroz, Elche, Alicante, Sagunto, Liria, Enguera, Cocentaina, Játiva, Burjasot, Catarroja, Torrente, Alcoy, Chiva, Denia, Villajoyosa, Castellón de la Plana, Burriana, Requena, Morella, Alcira, Sueca, Castielfabib and Ademuz, Gandía, Chelva, Valencia, Onteniente, Ayora, Orihuela and Elda (+ see Valencia headquarters)

Rental of water pumps for dewatering areas in undadas in Bilbao

Our Bilbao headquarters offers pump and motorized pump rental services in Álava, Vizcaya and Guipúzcoa. Also, we have operators specialized in the assembly and disassembly of the facilities. (+ see Bilbao headquarters)

Rent maximum exhaustion pumps Murcia

In the Murcia delegation we offer rental services of water pumps for flooded areas and autonomous diesel motor pumps for the extraction of water in agricultural applications in Cartagena, Murcia, Lorca and Jumilla. (+ see Murcia headquarters)

Rental of centrifugal circulation pumps for closed circuits in Seville

Our delegation in Seville offers rental services for maximum exhaustion pumps for draining water in swimming pools and agricultural ponds. Ideal for applications in industry, agriculture and mining. In addition, we have our own logistics to offer a very fast emergency service in Almería, Cádiz, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaén, Málaga and Seville (+ see Seville headquarters)

TST Torres Servicios Técnicos -

We work throughout Spain, Portugal, France and Morocco

Headquartes Barcelona | Madrid | Euskadi | Valencia | Sevilla | Murcia | Casablanca