“Torres Servicios Técnicos acquires a firm commitment to sustainability and the environment”
TST, TORRES SERVICIOS TÉCNICOS SL has established and implemented an environmental management system based on the requirements of the ISO 14001: 2015 standard. Our environmental policy defines the commitment to carry out our activity within the parameters of sustainable development, maintaining control and management of the environmental aspects that occur both in the maintenance, repair and review of equipment both in our day-to-day activities within our facilities, especially the most significant ones. Likewise, it establishes a common framework for defining the objectives and carrying out the activities that contribute to the continuous improvement of the environmental management system. To meet these commitments and achieve the stated objectives, TST has established the following fundamental principles:
- Guarantee compliance with the applicable Environmental Legislation; as well as that of all the commitments that are voluntarily subscribed in this matter.
- Prevent, Reduce and Mitigate environmental impacts.
- Support initiatives aimed at combating Climate Change.
- Implement good environmental practices to save water, energy and consumables; as well as the effective treatment and final disposal of waste.
- Promote the development and diffusion of green technologies.
- Maintain the awareness and awareness of all our employees, promoting their environmental training and favoring active participation, including the suggestions for improvement proposed by them in order to promote continuous improvement.
- Establish indicators and reporting systems that allow to know objectively the environmental performance of our center.
Define concrete and measurable objectives and goals within an environmental program, which can be reviewed according to their achievement at least once a year. - Carry out a periodic annual evaluation of the environmental aspects derived from our activity, for the purposes of maintenance and continuous improvement of the environmental management system.
Likewise, the identification and evaluation of environmental aspects allows the company to maintain an environmental management based on 3 pillars:
- Caution: avoid actions that may involve an environmental risk, regardless of how serious they may be if they materialize.
- Prevention: avoid the environmental consequences associated with a certain action.
- Correction: foresee the way to counteract the environmental consequences of a risk in case it materializes. All of us who make up TST embrace these principles, and it is our responsibility to put them into practice. TST promotes environmental improvement, and allocates the necessary resources to ensure the successful implementation of this environmental policy.