Your project is our project
The appropriate technical department will provide you with the most suitable solution in heating, air conditioning, ventilation, air treatment, temperature and humidity control, electrical power and water pumping systems. Make sure you leave your project in good hands, trust TST’s commitment.
In less than 24 hours TST will pay you a technical visit that will ensure all relevant installation data: volume, usual room temperature, air inlets, necessary electrical power, flow rate, water density, etc. In less than 48 hours you will have the technical and economic evaluation for your installation. The technicians of TST will advise you on the best practical, effective and economic solution. Take advantage of the experience that TST can offer you.
We will not tell you that your project matters to us, although we really care. We will tell you that your project is our project. At TST we take care of it from beginning to end, because a job well done is a job well done by committed professionals. Our work only ends when it is well done.
TST offers specialized divisions for each project
We will not tell you that we have the best professionals, even if we have them. We will tell you that in each of the specialized divisions of TST you will have the most expert professionals to advise you and offer you the best solutions.
The specialization is security, optimization and guarantee of success and TST offers this.
The appropriate technical department will design the most suitable solution in heating systems, air conditioning, ventilation, air treatment, control of temperature and humidity and electrical power for your company.
The specialization is security, optimization and guarantee of success and TST offers this.
Make sure you leave your project in good hands, trust TST’s commitment.
TST offers specialized divisions for each project
We will not tell you that we have the best professionals, even if we have them. We will tell you that in each of the specialized divisions of TST you will have the most expert professionals to advise you and offer you the best solutions in:
TST Climate
TST Industrial cold
TST Environment
TST Electrical Power
TST Ventilation
TST fast drying of humidity
The specialization is security, optimization and guarantee of success and TST offers this.
The appropriate technical department will design the most suitable solution in heating systems, air conditioning, ventilation, air treatment, control of temperature and humidity and electrical power for your company
The specialization is security, optimization and guarantee of success and TST offers this.
Make sure you leave your project in good hands, trust TST’s commitment.
Commercial Department and Management
In TST, all sales people and managers are committed to the sector. We collaborate with associations from all sectors to which we belong.
Customer service department
100% Customer Service personalized and ready for any kind of matter. Service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Service, service and service
We will not tell you that we have the machinery with the most quality on the market, even if we do. We will tell you that we have more than 50 people working on each project to give the best service to our clients, whatever their need. We offer SERVICE, SERVICE and SERVICE 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
… now you know why TST is the best in Machinery Rental Services
Offer a set of services and solutions that allow our customers to solve their needs with total confidence and peace of mind thanks to our technical knowledge, our quick response, our commitment and our willingness. Create a pleasant connection between suppliers, customers, company, society and employees ensuring a continued balance and sustained by personal relationships, emotions, economic flow and mutual commitments of responsibility.
Create a solid and flexible business structure, open to new ideas and new projects to be able to turn them into new solutions for our customers and thus become pioneers and leaders in a variety of services, benefits, innovations and search for solutions as society changes at state level.
EXCELLENCE: The pursuit of perfection in all the actions of the company makes us continuously move, awake, attentive, and that makes us feel the success every day.
INNOVATION: Find new solutions, imagine new mechanisms, learn new technology and apply it to our daily work with creativity, providing continuous solutions to customers’ needs, our colleagues and our environment.
ECONOMIC STRENGTH: Obtaining economic benefits is the basic support of all people and families that surround TST: employees, managers, suppliers, customers and creditors, all united in branching supported by the economic result of a job well done.
EXCITMENT: The enthusiasm in today’s work, achieving small goals, smiling with enthusiasm makes us imagine a better future, always better.
INTEREST FOR PEOPLE: You can listen to the conversations among equals in all the corners of Grupo Torres, how are you doing? How are you feeling? How can I help you? You only need to listen.
TEAMWORK: People united in an activity for the same objective or different objectives, but united, with the ultimate goal, appreciation of work well done, affection of our environment and own well-being.