Rental of ventilation equipment and applications for extraction and impulsion of air.

In our ventilation division we have a wide variety of equipment and applications for the extraction and supply of polluted air and toxic gases . All of our equipment is manufactured with resistant materials and high quality components to guarantee extraordinary performance in ventilation and extraction. In addition, all our equipment and applications are checked after each service for good maintenance and perfect operation in the next rental service.

Efficient and reliable equipment for rent for forced ventilation and air renewal

Ventilation equipment for industry

In our ventilation section we have a large number of equipment and applications for the industrial sector . We are your trusted supplier to generate temporary safe air circulation atmospheres in your company when your ventilation equipment for your industrial warehouse breaks down, and has to be repaired or for scheduled maintenance. Our equipment is suitable for dilution ventilation or general ventilation and local exhaust ventilation.

Ventilation applications for events

We know of the importance of ventilation in this new normal that has caused the covid-19 pandemic . At TST servicios we have applications and equipment for forced ventilation in events with temporary structures and closed tents. We have extensive experience in ventilation of spaces with great efficiency , being able to create atmospheres of clean air circulation. For air purification in closed environments, we highlight our air purifiers with great performance in cleaning the air thanks to their HEPA filters capable of filtering 99.97% of polluting air particles.

fans for air renewal in construction

When we talk about works and home renovations in closed environments, it is necessary to implement ventilation to create safe work environments . One of the phases in which ventilation is essential is in demolition processes where a large amount of dust and particles harmful to health are generated. Other examples where our ventilation applications can be implemented is in work in silos, shafts and the creation of collectors.

Forced ventilation in tunnels

We are specialized in ventilation for tunnels in construction with equipment, machinery and special applications. The construction of a tunnel is a technical and logistical challenge. At TST we have extensive experience in the extraction and impulsion of air creating safe atmospheres for the operators working in the Tunnel.

Use of our ventilation equipment

Our teams are in demand working in places with poor ventilation, confined spaces with gases, dust, harmful particles and bad odors. Our forced air ventilation equipment can be used for air renewal in underground sanitation networks, telephone networks, inspection and maintenance work, welding work in silos and cleaning in tanks.

Portable fans

Our helical fans are used for the extraction of polluted air, dust, gases and smoke in demolition of works, home renovations and in restaurants with smoke extraction problems.

Centrifugal ventilation boxes

We have a wide variety of centrifugal vent boxes ideal for replacing damaged boxes in duct systems. Also, they are highly demanded for air extraction in excavations, micropiles, concentrations of monoxide, dust and gases.

Ventilation screens

Our ventilation screens are capable of obtaining large ideal air flows at low pressure with minimal consumption. Ideal for construction sites and tunnels.

Soundproof ventilation boxes

We have a large number of soundproof ventilation boxes with low noise levels with different characteristics and powers from 20,000 m3 / h to 200,000 m3 / h. Indicated for the ventilation of tunnels and mines.

Ventilation for tunnels

We have the definitive solution for ventilation, air renewal and ambient control in tunnels. Our tubular axial fans for tunnels are capable of generating a large flow of clean air and have great extraction power. In addition, they can be installed horizontally and vertically.

Atex versions

We have the right solution for the extraction of air, dust and flammable gases in explosive atmospheres. Our powerful ATEX soundproof ventilation boxes are used in ventilation systems in public works, construction and for tunnel ventilation among other applications.

Extractors, fans reversible versions

Our reversible fans are in demand for air renewal systems in silos, warehouses, demolitions and construction tunnels. It can also be used for gas extraction or delivery applications in explosive atmospheres, among many other applications.

Extractor hood

We have a model of extractor hood for temporary industrial kitchen. Ideal for large temporary kitchens, in tents and events where a good smoke and odor extraction system can make the difference so that the gastronomic event is a success.

Wall fans

Our clients demand our wall-mounted axial fans for the ventilation of industrial buildings, commercial facilities and environmental ventilation. They can also be installed in buildings with explosive atmospheres.

Air ducts

We have a wide range of ducts and applications for the conduction, channeling and distribution of polluted air, smoke, dust, gases, hot and cold air. Also, we have flexible reinforced and embellishing ducts for air vents in temporary installations in events, exhibitions, air conditioning of marquees and party rooms.

Technicians specialized in ventilation and own logistics

At TST Servicios Técnicos we have personnel specialized in advising ventilation technicians for your project. In addition, we have our own logistics with a large fleet of conditioned vehicles to guarantee fast services in case of emergencies 48h / 365 days a year. Finally, highlight our personnel specialized in the assembly and disassembly of ventilation systems.

Why rent fans and ventilation units?

The main reason is that you will not have to make a large investment in the purchase of the ventilation unit to be able to use it , in the rent you will only pay for the time you use the equipment. In addition, you will save money on maintenance and storage of ventilation equipment. The rent is tax deductible and has tax advantages. Tunnel ventilation system rental is ideal for temporary installations. We have a technical team specialized in the replacement or rapid repair of ventilation equipment.
As you can see, in rent they are all advantages!

Headquarters and Services in Ventilation and supply

Rental of equipment for ventilation, extraction and supply of air in Barcelona

In Barcelona we have our headquarters located in Vilasar de Dalt that offers coverage in temporary ventilation services in locations such as: Figueras, Valls, Villafranca del Panadés, Seo de Urgel, Pont de Suert, Igualada, Manresa, Reus, La Bisbal, Tortosa, San Felíu de Llobregat, Vendrell, Barcelona, ​​Berga, Puigcerdá, Montblanch, Villanueva and Geltrú, Borjas Blancas, Olot, Gerona, Mataró, Amposta, Moyá, Balaguer, Vich, Tremp, Sort, Banyoles, Mollerusa , Falset, Mora de Ebro, Ripoll, Cervera, Lérida, Santa Coloma de Farnés, Solsona, Tarragona, Gandesa, Tárrega, Viella, Sabadell and Tarrasa (+ see Barcelona headquarters)

Temporary ventilation and air recycling rental in Madrid

TST servicios has a headquarters in the community of Madrid to cover the demands for ventilation rental services for tunnels in municipalities such as: La Acebeda, Ajalvir, Alameda del Valle, El Álamo, Alcalá de Henares, Alcobendas, Alcorcón, Aldea del Fresno , Algete, Alpedrete, Ambite, Anchuelo, Aranjuez, Arganda del Rey, Arroyomolinos, El Atazar, Batres, Becerril de la Sierra, Belmonte de Tajo, El Berrueco, Berzosa del Lozoya, Boadilla del Monte, El Boalo, Braojos de la Sierra, Brea de Tajo, Brunete, Buitrago del Lozoya, Bustarviejo, Cabanillas de la Sierra, La Cabrera, Cadalso de los Vidrios, Camarma de Esteruelas, Campo Real, Canencia, Carabaña, Casarrubuelos, Ashen, Cercedilla, Cervera de Buitrago, Chapineria, Chinchón, Ciempozuelos, Cobeña, Collado Mediano, Collado Villalba, Colmenar de Oreja, Colmenar del Arroyo, Colmenar Viejo, Colmenarejo, Corpa, Coslada, Cubas de la Sagra, Daganzo de Arriba, El Escorial, Estremera, Fresnedillas de la Oliva, Fresno de Torote, Fuenl abrada, Fuente el Saz de Jarama, Fuentidueña de Tajo, Galapagar, Garganta de los Montes, Gargantilla del Lozoya and Pinilla de Buitrago, Gascones, Getafe, Griñón, Guadalix de la Sierra, Guadarrama, La Hiruela, Horcajo de la Sierra-Aoslos, Horcajuelo de la Sierra, Hoyo de Manzanares, Humanes de Madrid, Leganés, Loeches, Lozoya, Lozoyuela-Navas-Sieteiglesias, Madarcos, Madrid, Majadahonda, Manzanares el Real, Meco, Mejorada del Campo, Miraflores de la Sierra, El Molar, Los Molinos, Montejo de la Sierra, Moraleja de Enmedio, Moralzarzal, Morata de Tajuña, Móstoles, Navacerrada, Navalafuente, Navalagamella, Navalcarnero, Navarredonda and San Mamés, Navas del Rey, Nuevo Baztán, Olmeda de las Fuentes, Orusco de Tajuña, Paracuellos de Jarama, Parla, Patones, Pedrezuela, Pelayos de la Presa, Perales de Tajuña, Pezuela de las Torres, Pinilla del Valle, Pinto, Piñuécar-Gandullas, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Pozuelo del Rey, Prádena del Rincón, Puebla de la Sierra, Bridges Viejas, Quijorna, Rascafría, Redueñ a, Ribatejada, Rivas-Vaciamadrid, Robledillo de la Jara, Robledo de Chavela, Robregordo, Las Rozas de Madrid, Rozas de Puerto Real, San Agustín del Guadalix, San Fernando de Henares, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, San Martín de la Vega, San Martín de Valdeiglesias, San Sebastián de los Reyes, Santa María de la Alameda , Santorcaz, Los Santos de la Humosa, La Serna del Monte, Serranillos del Valle, Sevilla la Nueva, Somosierra, Soto del Real, Talamanca de Jarama, Tielmes, Titulcia, Torrejón de Ardoz, Torrejón de la Calzada, Torrejón de Velasco, Torrelaguna , Torrelodones, Torremocha de Jarama, Torres de la Alameda, Tres Cantos, Valdaracete, Valdeavero, Valdelaguna, Valdemanco, Valdemaqueda, Valdemorillo, Valdemoro, Valdeolmos-Alalpardo, Valdepiélagos, Valdetorres de Jarama, Valdilecha, Valverde de Alcalá, Velilla de San Antonio El Vellón, Venturada, Villa del Prado, Villaconejos, Villalbilla, Villamanrique de Tajo, Villamanta, Villamantilla, Villanueva de la Cañada, Villanueva de Perales, Villanueva del Pardillo, Villar del Olmo, Villarejo de Salvanés, Villaviciosa de Odón, Villavieja del Lozoya and Zarzalejo (+ see Madrid headquarters )

Rent ATEX centrifugal ventilation boxes in Valencia

Our headquarters in Valencia offers ventilation screen rental services in the communities of Castellón, Valencia and Alicante (+ see Valencia headquarters)

Ventilation rental for tunnels in Bilbao

Our Bilbao headquarters offers rental services in Álava, Vizcaya and Guipúzcoa. We even have technicians specialized in the assembly and disassembly of the facilities. (+ see Bilbao headquarters)

Rent soundproof ventilation boxes in Murcia

In the Murcia delegation we offer rental services for wall fans for agricultural applications in Cartagena, Murcia, Lorca and Jumilla. (+ see Murcia headquarters)

Ventilation rental for the extraction of dust and gases in Seville

Our delegation in Seville offers rental services for soundproof ventilation boxes. Ideal for applications in industry, construction and events. In addition, we have our own logistics to offer a very fast emergency service in Almería, Cádiz, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaén, Málaga and Seville (+ see Seville headquarters)

We have performed machinery rental services in: Albacete, Alicante, Almería, Andorra, Ávila, Badajoz, Barcelona, Benidorm, Bilbao, Burgos , Cáceres, Cádiz, Castellón, Ciudad Real, Córdoba, Cuenca, Formentera, Gijón, Girona, Granada, Guadalajara, Huelva, Huesca, Ibiza, Jaén, León, La Coruña, Lleida, Logroño, Lugo, Madrid, Málaga, Mallorca, Menorca, Mérida, Murcia, Ourense, Oviedo, Palencia, Pamplona, Pontevedra, Salamanca, San Sebastián, Santander, Santiago de Compostela, Segovia, Sevilla, Soria, Talavera de la reina, Tarragona, Teruel, Toledo, Valencia, Valladolid, Vitoria, Zamora, Zaragoza. Also, we have performed international services in Germany, France and Morocco

TST Torres Servicios Técnicos -

We work throughout Spain, Portugal, France and Morocco

Headquartes Barcelona | Madrid | Euskadi | Valencia | Sevilla | Murcia | Casablanca